Carbon Accounting

Count what matters. Get the smart reporting tools you need to measure and reduce your impact in the transition to a low carbon economy.

At Ake we’re making Carbon Accounting accessible and affordable for businesses and organisations of all sizes.

What is Carbon Accounting?

Carbon Accounting measures your business or organisation’s Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. These emissions come from activities such as fuel and electricity use, purchasing goods and services, waste production, travel, and investments.

Why should I be doing Carbon Accounting?

A new era of mandatory climate related reporting is underway. Already around 200 entities in New Zealand are required to produce climate-related disclosures - ultimately impacting the businesses that do businesses with them. As a result, a much wider range of companies will be asked to start measuring their emissions.

Carbon Accounting provides vital transparency and evidence for consumers that a business is serious about sustainability. A 2024 survey by the Sustainable Business Council found that 71% of New Zealanders feel it’s difficult to tell which products/services are good or bad ethically or environmentally.

By proactively adopting carbon accounting now, you’ll be well prepared for customer inquiries and be able to authentically communicate the positive changes your business is making.

How does Carbon Accounting work?

Carbon Accounting with Ake is simple and streamlined.

We make Carbon Accounting a natural extension of your work with us by integrating it with your financial accounting.

Using the Sumday digital platform and your existing financial data, we can create a clear emissions assessment, address any data gaps, and improve your carbon footprint accuracy. We can also set up efficient processes for future carbon reporting.

What is Sumday? is a digital platform designed to help organisations manage and report their carbon emissions effectively.

As Sumday certified advisors, Ake can set up your business and help up-skill your team in carbon accounting too. Sumday is designed for you to work together with us to achieve transparent carbon accounting and reporting to a recognised global standard.

Find out more

Talk to your Ake Client Manager about receiving your proposal, or if you’re new to us, please book a 10-minute discovery call .

Our Carbon Accounting Services

  • Blue circle graphic icon depicting carbon accounting readiness

    Carbon Accounting Readiness Assessment

    We‘ll confirm the data you need and the data you have, identifying ways to fill the gaps.

  • blue circle graphic icon depicting baseline emissions assessment

    Baseline Emissions Assessment

    Set your baseline to know where you stand, summary report and walk through included.

  • Blue circle graphic icon depicting a business case

    Business Case Development

    A deeper dive on the financial and carbon return on emission reduction projects, and support to report on these.

  • Blue circle graphic icon depicting process improvement

    Process Improvement

    We’ll identify ways to streamline and improve the accuracy of your carbon accounting going forward.

Let’s talk

Learn more about how Carbon Accounting service can apply to your business or organisation. To get started, book a 10- minute introduction call with Matthew.

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